Saturday, July 14, 2012


07/14/12 - QUICK RECAP - Avery is less than two weeks away from becoming 1. :) & Oscar turned 3 on the 12th of last month (June). Oscar's vocabulary and speech have improved, he is more social. He grew out of his clothes surprisingly ( he was pretty short) wearing sizes 5T-6T. :) 

Avery, began to walk around the age of 8 months, started to run around 10.5-11 months, He can say "mama, ma, da-da, & car, scar (i think he is trying to say Oscar.. ). Avery loves to climb up the wooden stair case....EEEEEKK!!!!! SCARY!!!! He is such a HAPPY EATER. :) He hardly ever says "no" to food which is a good thing, STEAK is his all time fave but by the way this guy eats you cant really tell bc everything seems to be his fave, LOL.

& Myself, uhhhhhh what can i say....I moved into my moms house. Which feels like a construction zone bc it is always being worked on. The walls have been painted, the floors are being worked on...AGAIN...-___-. Such a headache. /:  I had my first dental surgery appt already, :D Only two more to go until i have the perfect smile. HAHA 

& here are a few photos...

                     May 2012


                   Being silly..
                     MHMM, Starbucks :)

 I caught Avery playing in the doggy kibble & blowing bubbles in the spilled doggy water.. bad baby. ha
                    HAPPY BABY [: !!!

                    Me: Avery saca la lengua...

                       My niece Sariah :)
                      & The night i lost my phone..... /:

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