Thursday, March 10, 2011

Time to catch up !

So, i'm about 19 weeks and 1 day pregnant; almost half way there :) I'm very excited, I finally found out the sex of the baby ! it was awesome. A very heart warming experience that i once again found out alone.. haha

Anyhoos, ITS A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oscar is going to have a little brother! [: I'll admit at first i was kinda bummed but then i got over it! Doctors say he is healthy & normal & that he is BEAUTIFUL. (: (I've had 3 ultrasound technicians tell me that lol so i know for a fact he inherited my good looks). Haha
I have already picked out a name & so far its a keeper; my mom and sister love it!

My expected due date was August 3rd, but now doctors say AVERY will arrive sooner. They say its because of my kidney infection, so i have been praying to god everyday that he is as healthy as can be. I am very frightened that something could go wrong /:  So i've left everything in the lords hands so we will see how things go..

Also, my lower back has been killing me but madre says its just the pregnancy. I feel like an out of shape granny /: haha. Hopefully this is only temporary because i need to get myself back on track: Morning walks w/ the sister & kids, cooking, cleaning the house, getting all dolled up for no reason, etc.
Ohmygosh! I never knew browsing for crib bedding could be so DIFFICULT, so many options & so little time. Avery will be here in 4 months or less & Oscar's 2nd birthday is in june so things are pretty much crazy right now! (basically i'm a HOTmess, haha) Well i have to get back to babysitting so goodbye.. for now that is (: (:

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