Sunday, April 10, 2011


SO, its like two-thirty in the morning and my niece sariah & son oscar are still running around laughing their heads off.. looks like its going to be one of those nights. /: I should be used to it by now though lol ..Anyways, today was an awesome day! I enjoyed speed cooking for the missionaries; it was great! They left stuffed & happily satisfied =)  They taught us a lesson & called later that evening to schedule another day to come back :)  Lately, i've been feeling a lot of pain in my pelvic region /: I don't know if its my muscles or if its the
baby? I called my midwife & she told me based off some symptoms that it could be muscle aches/spasms & can cause premature labor. Luckily my pain went away & I felt fine. My mom say's she felt the same way when she was pregnant with me and then "BAMM" I was born at 7 months *_* sccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaary!!

Well, I'm getting pretty sleepy & i have a long day ahead of me tomorrow w/ getting the babies ready for church n' all so GOODNIGHT. (:                               

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