Sunday, July 22, 2012


So, yesterday Oscar was playing outside with my niece and sisters and they explained to him with a demonstration of what will happen to him if he steps on the wood board with nails. Knowing my son he forgets and as we are all going inside he steps on the wood board with nails.... :(

After, treating his foot we lay him on the couch and tend to him and his every needs. Well i'm still potty training Oscar so, having to carry him from the couch, to the bathroom, getting his pants down WHILE STILL CARRYING HIM and back was sooooo hard. I felt like SUPER mom. haha ...After a while it was tiring so I admit that i gave up and just put a diaper on him so he wouldn't wet the bed. lol


Avery's First Birthday is this Sunday the 29th. My wittle baby is growing up so fast :( ...Well since my next surgery is a couple days after his birthday I wasn't planning on doing anything for him. Another reason for not wanting to throw a party just yet is because CJ (the carpenter) is fixing our kitchen floors so the house might not even be done by then. ...(this was my first thought on Avery's birthday) 

Well a few weeks ago, I went to my Cousin's daughters 5th birthday gathering. It was something put together fast, and since I did that.. I now have to throw my son a little close friend/family gathering this sunday. This totally was not in my agenda but I guess its whatever. So in a way i guess i am kinda looking forward to that.. Yummy food, Loud music, good cant get better than that :) 


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